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Spring Cleaning Steps and Tips for Naturally Repelling Ants

Mar 09, 2025

Spring is in the air! The days are getting longer, the sun shines brighter, birds sing, and green grass sprouts. It's the perfect time to open the windows, let in some fresh air, and refresh your home. Spring cleaning is more than a tradition - it's an opportunity to declutter, organize, and deep-clean your space. And as the season shifts, so do the critters. This guide will help you keep your home fresh, clean, and free of pesky ants and rodents - all without using harsh chemicals.

The History and Science Behind Spring Cleaning

Spring cleaning isn't just a modern habit—it's rooted in history. In the 1800s, homes accumulated layers of soot and grime from coal, wood, and kerosene heating. Once warmer weather arrived, deep cleaning was necessary to remove the buildup.

Biology also plays a role. During winter, shorter days increase melatonin production, making us feel sluggish. As daylight increases in spring, our energy levels rise, naturally motivating us to clean. Plus, a deep clean helps eliminate dust, allergens, and mildew that accumulate over the colder months. 

Don’t be overwhelmed by the thought of this spring cleaning and organizing idea—everyone has things lying around, taking up space, junking up drawers and closets. It’s been said that the accomplishment of spring cleaning and the sense of cleanliness bring a neurological reward to the brain.

Step 1: Declutter Before You Deep Clean

Before you start scrubbing, take time to declutter. A clutter-free home is easier to clean and maintain. Try the Three-Box Method:

  • Donate: Items in good condition that you no longer need.
  • Keep: Essentials and things you truly love.
  • Throw Away: Broken, expired, or unusable items.

Decluttering Room by Room

Living/Family Room

  • Donate unused decor, books, and throw pillows
  • Clear out unnecessary knick-knacks and candles


  • Get rid of duplicate utensils and unused cookware
  • Toss expired food and toxic cleaning supplies
  • Donate extra coffee cups, mugs and travel cups


  • Dispose of expired makeup, outdated medications, and old nail polish
  • Remove unused hair tools and travel-size products piling up


  • Donate clothes that don't fit or haven't been worn in six months
  • Limit nightstand clutter
  • Limit extra linens to one set per bed

Paper & Tech Clutter

  • Recycle old bills, planners, and expired coupons
  • Donate or dispose of old phones, chargers, and broken electronics

Once your space is decluttered, you'll feel relieved and be ready for a deep clean.

Step 2: Clean Naturally for a Toxin-Free Home

Ditch harsh chemicals and embrace natural cleaning solutions that are safer for your family, pets, and the environment.

Top-to-Bottom Cleaning Guide

  1. Ceiling & Walls: Use a microfiber mop with warm water and Simply Magic All-Purpose Cleaner
  2. Ceiling Fans: Dust with a microfiber duster
  3. Doors & Baseboards: Wipe with warm water and Simply Magic
  4. Windows: Vacuum sills and tracks, then clean glass with an ammonia-free natural cleaner
  5. Hard Surfaces: Clean wood furniture with a soft cloth and olive oil-based polish
  6. Floors:
    • Tile: Mop with warm water and Simply Magic
    • Wood: Avoid vinegar or baking soda; use warm water with a natural dish soap instead
    • Carpets: Steam clean, especially if you have pets

Step 3: Naturally Repel Ants & Rodents

After all that cleaning, keep your home pest-free with natural repellents:

  • Peppermint Oil: Disrupts ants' sensory receptors, making it hard for them to find food
  • Eucalyptus Oil: Contains PMD, a natural pesticidal component that repels ants and rodents
  • Simply Magic All-Purpose Cleaner: Harnesses the power of peppermint and eucalyptus to clean your home while naturally deterring pests
  • Vinegar & Lemon Juice: Mixing equal parts of water and vinegar and applying it to entry points and trails can deter ants from entering your home. The acidic properties of lemon juice can act as a natural deterrent when sprayed in areas prone to ant activity, according to Ted of Chicago Plumbing Experts 

Embrace a Healthier Home This Spring

Spring cleaning doesn't have to mean exposing your home to toxic chemicals. With these natural cleaning and pest-repelling solutions, you can enjoy a fresh, healthy, and chemical-free space. So, open those windows, let in the sunshine, and start your spring refresh today!

***Check out the recent ApartmentGuide article we were featured in:

You're renting an apartment in Austin enjoying the warm breeze through your windows when you notice a line of ants marching in like they own the place. Whether you're in a rental in Dallas, a townhome in Houston, or anywhere else, dealing with pests is never fun. You could call your landlord and wait for an exterminator, but maybe you're hesitant about harsh chemicals, especially if you have pets around. Luckily, there are natural ways to send these ants packing—no toxic sprays required.

From simple tricks like drawing chalk lines to DIY deterrents and homemade all natural ant killers, this ApartmentGuide article will walk you through the best all-natural solutions from experts to get rid of ants in your apartment.

Read the full article here: All Natural Ant Killer Guide: 11 Proven Ways to Get Rid of Ants Without Harsh Chemicals With Expert Tips




Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered professional advice. Please consult a qualified expert for guidance specific to your situation.

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