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Benefits of Switching to All Natural Cleaning Products In Your Home

Jul 15, 2023


Do you know what dangerous chemicals are lurking in your household cleaners?

Most, if not all common household cleaning products contain substances that burn tissue (skin, eyes, mouth, throat, lungs). 

The standard cleaning solutions readily available in your local grocery store may get the job done, but at what cost? They contain hazardous chemicals that are dangerous to you, your family, your home, and the environment. 

Demand for all natural cleaning products is growing as more people are learning the dangers of common household cleaners. We’ve put together a detailed breakdown of all the ingredients you need to be aware of, and why they’re harmful, so you can make an informed decision about the products you use in your home.

Why You Should Ditch Regular Household Cleaning Products

Typical cleaning products often contain harmful ingredients that can seriously affect our health and the environment. Some of these ingredients are connected to conditions like asthma, cancer, reproductive issues, and neurotoxicity. Even if they don't cause immediate problems, long-term use can lead to serious health issues. Since we use these products frequently, we might not realize we're regularly exposed to these risks.

Standard household cleaners have a wide range of harsh chemicals that serve as effective solutions for tough messes, but all natural alternatives are just as if not more effective.

Commonly used terms signifying the dangers of these chemicals include:

  • Endocrine disruptors: Toxins that interfere with the normal functioning of the endocrine system in releasing hormones causing reproductive disorders.
  • Neurotoxins: Toxins that are destructive to the nervous system.
  • Carcinogens: Substances that can cause cancer.
  • Antimicrobials: Substances that can have adverse effects, like bacteria becoming resistant to treatment.
  • Caustic: Substances that have chemicals that burn tissue (skin, eyes, mouth, throat, lungs) Most, if not all, common household cleaning products contain caustic substances.

Steer clear of these common dangerous chemicals

Some of the chemicals most commonly found in household cleaning products that will make you want to switch to a natural cleaner are:

ammonia, chlorine, and lye (sodium hydroxide). 


  • Found in glass cleaners, bathroom cleaners, polishers, and laundry products. 
  • A powerful irritant. Causes immediate reactions when inhaled, even with short exposure. 
  • Chronic exposure will lead to developing chronic bronchitis and asthma.


  • Found in various cleaning products.
  • Exposure can occur via inhalation and skin absorption.
  • Primarily a respiratory irritant that, with increased exposure, can lead to severe health conditions. 

Lye (Sodium hydroxide)

  • Found in oven cleaners and drain openers 
  • Highly corrosive and will cause severe burns to the skin, eyes, and throat.


  • Found in most fragrance products 
  • Considered endocrine disruptors and triggers for asthma and migraines. 

Perchloroethylene (PERC)

  • Found in dry cleaning products, spot removers, and carpet cleaners 
  • A neurotoxin and possible carcinogen. 


  • Found in liquid dish detergents and antibacterial soaps 
  • Can cause the adverse effects of antimicrobials and are considered carcinogens, endocrine disruptors, and a critical danger to the environment.

QUATS / Quarternary Ammonium Compounds

  • Found in fabric softeners and products labeled "antibacterial." 
  • Causes the harmful effects of antimicrobials, skin irritation, and respiratory disorders. 


  • Found in most window, kitchen, and multi-purpose cleaners 
  • Dangerous when inhaled, may cause drowsiness, pulmonary oedema, and damage to the liver and kidneys in high concentrations.

The benefits of switching to all natural cleaning products

Genuine all natural household cleaning products use only natural ingredients like essential oils, baking soda, and vinegar. Switching to these cleaners is great for your health and the environment.

Health benefits

Switching to natural cleaning products ensures the safety of you and your family. Plant-based ingredients are non-toxic and non-carcinogenic, eliminating worries about harming anyone during cleaning. For instance, using a natural kitchen cleaner prevents chemical residue on food surfaces. Additionally, the risk of dangerous chemical reactions and toxic fumes from mixing cleaners is greatly reduced with natural ingredients.

Natural oven cleaners are a safer alternative to regular ones containing lye, avoiding skin burns and respiratory issues from accidental exposure.

Most natural cleaners include essential oils, replacing synthetic fragrances that contain harmful phthalates. Plus, tea tree oil and eucalyptus scents effectively neutralize odors instead of just masking them.

Switching from conventional household cleaning products and laundry detergents benefits your skin. Free from harsh ingredients like bleach and synthetic fragrances, natural products promote healthier skin, particularly for those with sensitive skin.

Household benefits

Conventional cleaning ingredients not only irritate people but also harm household surfaces like wood floors and furniture. Continuous use of harsh chemicals can damage these surfaces, shortening the lifespan of your furniture and decor. Switching to natural cleaners keeps your home clean without causing damage, ensuring your belongings last longer. It's a small investment for significant savings in the long run!

Environmental benefits

Choosing all natural cleaners helps protect the environment by avoiding harmful chemicals. With natural ingredients, what goes down the drain doesn't harm the environment, and packaging is often reusable or recyclable. Many natural cleaners are versatile, reducing the need for multiple products and cutting down on waste. This helps you save money and decrease your carbon footprint, making a positive impact on the earth.

Discover the simple magic of all natural household cleaning products

If you're considering switching to natural household cleaners, you might want to explore Momo's Secrets for an alternative. Our Simply Magic all-purpose cleaner and deodorizer is completely safe to use and drastically simplifies your cleaning routine.

Made with only four ingredients, all derived from plants, Simply Magic effectively removes germs and grime while being gentle on surfaces and skin. With eucalyptus, tea tree, and peppermint oils, it naturally eliminates odors and leaves a refreshing scent behind.


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